EURAXESS Services centre Leuven

University of Leuven (K.U.Leuven)


EURAXESS Services centre


Founded in 1425, the Catholic University of Leuven (K.U.Leuven)
is the oldest university in the Low Countries, and in the 16th century
it was one of the most prominent intellectual centres of the Western
world, harbouring famous scientists and humanists such as Erasmus,
Vives, Vesalius, Dodoens, Mercator and many more. The Flemish-speaking
and French-speaking sections that had gradually emerged in the 20th century
became separate daughters by the 1970s.

Today, K.U.Leuven is a centre of learning, originating in the symbiosis of teaching and research, young promising scholars and senior academics, intellectual resources and opportunities, etc.Within this university environment, the interplay between teaching and research is the core mission of the organisation: teaching is research-based and research benefits from the continual throughput of well trained, talented scholars. With more than 3000 researchers, senior academics as well as PhD students and young postdoctoral researchers, K.U.Leuven covers all of the traditional academic domains in humanities, medical sciences and exact sciences. From a management point of view, it is a real challenge to promote research initiatives in all these domains in a balanced way, and to offer (financial) opportunities to the research units to elaborate their ideas.


Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Research Co-ordination Office
Naamsestraat 22
B-3000 Leuven, Belgium

Phone: +32 16 32 40 67
Fax: +32 16 32 41 96


For all practical information and personalised assistance in matters such as entry conditions, visas, work permits, salary/fellowship (statute, amount, social security, taxation), pension rights, health care, insurance, recognition of diplomas, intellectual property rights, job opportunities, accommodation, access to the culture of the city and the region, language courses, day care facilities and schooling, please contact



Local contact point


IMEC is a world leading independent research centre in nanoelectronics and nanotechnology. Its unique balance of processing and system know-how, intellectual property portfolio, state-of-the-art infrastructure and a strong network of companies, universities and research institutes worldwide, positions IMEC as a key partner with which to develop and improve technologies for future systems.

IMEC is headquartered in Leuven, Belgium and has representatives in the US, China and Japan. Its staff of more than 1300 people includes over 380 industrial residents and guest researchers. In 2003, its revenues were EUR 145 million. Further information on IMEC can be found at


Kapeldreef 75
B-3001 Leuven, Belgium

Phone: +32-16-28 12 11
Fax: +32-16-22 94 00


For all practical information and personalised assistance:

  • in matters related to Job, fellowship and Training opportunities such as salary/fellowship (statute, amount, social security, taxation), pension rights, health care, insurance, recognition of diplomas, intellectual property rights, job opportunities, language courses,… please contact;
  • in matters related to possible relocation (such as entry conditions, visas, work permits, housing, day care facilities and schooling, access to the culture of the city and the region, …) please contact,