EURAXESS Services centre Ghent
Euraxess services centre
‘Dare to think’ is Ghent University’s motto. Critical and independent brains study, carry out research and work at Ghent University. The university encourages students and staff members to adopt an open-minded approach. During its two hundred years of history, Ghent University has built up a firm reputation (ranked 71sth in the Shanghai Ranking) and is one of the fastest growing European universities in terms of research capacity and productivity.
Today Ghent University attracts over 41,000 students, with a foreign student population of about 4,000. In 2014, the university invested over 265 million Euros in research projects on behalf of public and private partners, and employed around 6,500 academic staff members. The university provides excellent training opportunities to both young and experienced researchers (awarded the HR Excellence for Research label in 2014). It awarded 596 PhD degrees in 2014 of which over 30% went to international researchers.
Universiteit Gent
Research Department
Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 25
B-9000 Gent, Belgium
Phone: +32 9 331 0101
Fax: +32 9 264 35 83
Website: ;
For all practical information and personalized assistance in matters such as entry conditions, visas, work permits, salary/fellowship (statute, amount, social security, taxation), pension rights, health care, insurance, recognition of diplomas, intellectual property rights, job opportunities, accommodation, access to the culture of the city and the region, language courses, day care facilities and schooling, please contact the relevant contact person via e-mail: